Sunday, July 22, 2007

First racism is becoming a concern to myself. Yeah I love rap and I am black but who cares? A girl called me a nigger as she walked past and yeah I said something but people need to learn that being black is cool. I don't hate caucasions and I don't diss on them either. I strongly believe that people need to get over themselves. I'm a mix of Native American and African American and Im proud of my colour. I have a white mom and a black dad, a Vietnamese brother and mixed siblings and I honestly can't say it's wierd. It's not. People need to be more understanding. Walking into a room with a lot of white people is intimidating but I hold my head high and do my thing. Some think Black people are dumb but what the hell? I make good grades. My dad was fired from his job because of his colour and because he didnt have a college degree. He is the best teacher I could ask for. He knows a lot, more than anyone I know. Others think that we don't spell well and that we speak "Black English". I speak black english when I'm around my race but I am "polite" in front of Caucasions. It's not like a Chinese person would speak English to his friend and then speak Chinese to other races. It isn't like that and I type very well and I teach myself sometimes when my parents aren't available. I think the black colour is very beautiful and I wish most people could see that. We struggle with that and most people have an identity crisis meaning that they are struggling to find out where they belong. I had one mother who is uncomfortable with me being friends with her cacausion son because I am black. She just said it was weird how different races converse. Well get over it.

There was a man named Sin LaSalle who one time said: "Have you lost your mind? I mean, how is it that you can disrespect a man's ethnicity when you know we've influenced nearly every facet of white America. From our music to our style of dress, not to mention your basic imitation of our sense of cool; walk, talk, dress, mannerisms. We enrich your very existence, all the while contributing to the gross national product through our achievements in corporate America. It's these conceits that comfort me when I'm faced with the ignorant, cowardly, bitter and bigoted who have no talent, no guts. People like you who desecrate things they don't understand when the truth is you should just say "thank you, man," and go about your way. But, apparently, you're incapable of doing that, so-- " He later shot the man but were not going to go there. As I was saying we have our own thing by the way we dress, talk and walk. We invented our own little thing. I love my race and people and I will embrace it.