Sunday, July 22, 2007

The New books I have read

Okay people I just read Memoirs of a Geisha and the movie was great. The movie is not that great because they dont put in everything that happens in the book. What's up with that? I also have read The Da Vinci Code and the book was also good and the movie had Tom Hanks so I have to like it. Good actors make great movies. . . It may be stupid but I loved the book, A Million Little pieces. It was very good and I'm impressed with the authors ability of putting words into writing. I wish I could do that. I could sit for a long time at the computer and type out an entire book but none of it makes sense. Well to me. Anyways, I hope when I make a great book it would have an impact. HillBilly From Mars I am still working on. It is the hardest creation I have ever had to create. I know great choice of words but what can I say? I have the talent.
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