Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter like the Bible????

You are probably thinking I am out of my mind trying to compare the bible as Harry Potter. If you think that slap yourself or your friend sitting beside you.

Harry Potter just came out when?? Maybe like Saturday at 12 in the morning. I couldnt line up to get the book because I was at a religious Conference. I'd rather be at Steubenville then competing with lets say hundreds of people dressed up like wizards to get a book you can just buy at KingSoopers down the street. I'd rather compete with 2,300 Catholic inspiring teens to worship Jesus then that.

But just imagine. Just imagine if a new bible edition was coming out. Let's brainstorm here. Okay! The New American Bible. (There is already such a thing but bear with me here...) Just imagine if the New American Bible was just coming out created with better material, every full detail of what happened back then, and maybe pictures if were lucky. Okay we are lucky because we have Jesus so yeah we are lucky. And instead of the usual Cacuasion Jesus it was an African American Jesus. The diciples and Apostles were actually black and Mary was black and everyone was black and they wore some funky robes and krumped down the dirt road with Jesus. (I was kididng about that but How Funny!) Anyway just imagine.

Would people be as excited for a new Bible as they would for that Harry Potter Book? Not at all. The excuses could be, "But we have to find out who dies! It could be Harry!" OMG Cry me a flood. (Suppose to be a river but I'm cooler then that.) But then I will say, "Yeah but Jesus dies!"
Then they say, "But we know Jesus dies. It's such a huge mystery to find out who dies in Harry Potter." Dont worry. They didnt stop me there. I can keep going....But Jesus dying is still a mystery. The Bible is a mystery all in itself. But the questions keep coming like, "But you cant dress up like a wizard and wait in line for the bible." Just for that persons INFO, we would literally go to hell if we stood in front of a Christian book store dressed up like a wizard, holding a wand and yelling curses at eachother. I know what she was getting at but she needs to make better sense. Us "Cool" Catholics can dress up as Apostles, Mary, the Saints, the Disciples and still be as "cool" as the Harry Potter fanatics. I would dress up as Jesus and begin preaching in the street. (Then I would be accused of crossdressing and be arrested. Heh. Not as bad as going to hell though.") But a girl can dress up like Harry Potter and begin reciting the stupid spells and she would get a crowd of people and the police who are more fascinated with the curses then with my prayers.

During the Steubenville though we had parents coming at 1 in the morning to give their precious child the last and final Harry Potter Book. They cry and hug their parents and say, "Oh My God I have something to read now."
My parents slapped a bible in my hand and said, "Oh my God I have something for you to read this weekend."
I kind of cried as they handed it to me. They thought I was crying because I was excited to have a bible with me that weekend. (Oh Sure...I swear God is going to struck with me lightening any second now."
The Bible is the final book like the last Harry Potter book. But the Bible has more to offer in our lives. Jk Rowling is richer then the queen of England because of her books. Jesus didnt make a cent off of the Bible. It may go to charity or something but there was no check waiting for Jesus when he walked up to his mountain to pray. Neither was it in the stable where he slept, a cute little new Born baby. I dont even think they had checks then. There was no publishing company to publish the book. God sure didnt hand Jesus a check and say, "You can place this in your retirement fund for later use." First and formost, Jesus didnt retire. He still reigns, the author of the GREATEST book ever created. JK Rowling kind of retired; the profit from the books giving her a chance to live in luxury. Our Luxury is heaven people. Rather that then sitting in a hot tub just knowing where I will shop after soaking. Drink a few frappachinos, get fat. Jesus wasnt fat by the way. He ate sushi and bread. There was no hot tub there was actually hell which I can bet is hotter then any hot tub.
I like Harry Pottter. I really do. I let the Harry Potter phase subside because I didnt like the idea of myself taking the time and money to collect all of the books, ( I have friends who do that for me. Heh.) watching all of the movies and competing with more then half of the world to prove they are a Harry Potter fan. But also I like the Bible. I really do. I didnt let the Bible phase wear out because I loved the fact knowing that my prayers and energy when into reading the bible, (I get my bibles free. Heh.) watching the Passion Of Christ and loved telling the world we love Jesus. We are a true fan of Jesus. We dont have to prove to the world that we are a true fan because all are a true fan who truly loves Jesus Christ.
During the conference we had All Access Back Stage pass to praise Jesus. All were invited to share him. But if we went to catch a glimpse of Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Emma Watson (Hermione) or Rubert Grint (Ron) would take a life time. It takes a lifetime to get to know Jesus. I'm done for the day. I'm going to play with my Jesus action figures and see if my Harry Potter Action figure can actually beat Michael with a wand and sword. I wonder if Hermione can actually beat Mother Teresa in, I dont know, an arm wrestle. Old ladies got some powers young girls dont....Heh